This is supposed to a personal parenting blog and the fact that the writer's last post was back when her new baby was 2 months old does tell a lot about parenthood, doesn't it?
PARENTHOOD IS FREAKING TIRING. Sometimes this business of raising little humans give you so much high you could die from happiness, but sometimes it is frustrating and sucks the life out of you.
When the latter hits you, just remember you are not alone, most mothers feel the same way because, we're just human. That seemingly perfect mom you see on your social media feeds, they have their lowest of low days too, trust me. Take a breather, buy yourself some bubble tea, and at the end of the day, pray to God, for He who has chosen us on this motherhood path, has the answers for everything.
"At the end of a day like this, when so many prayers are answered and so many aren’t, we take our miracles where we find them. We reach across the gap and sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we touch." - Grey's Anatomy.
(It is tiring but it is worth it. It is tiring but it is worth it. It is tiring but it is worth it.)
Till next post (hopefully soon), stay sane and rock that motherhood hat!
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