I have graduated from my ‘pantang school’ for about a
week or so, although not with flying colours I must say. Since the last time I wrote, I have entered into late thirties, tsskk, my husband and I turned ten, and I have been freed from my confinement period, yeay.
If you adhere to your postnatal
confinement strictly, good for you. As a mother of four with three older kids, I
cannot afford to do so, for my kids’ sake but mostly for my own sanity. LOL. Seriously, I am sure I'd go crazy. Malay postpartum pantang is good, if done in moderation. I do
not agree 100% with the do’s and don’ts, but for most part, it is good. They are
designed to help your body heal faster and relax, after having gone through
such major transformation and what nots during pregnancy. I do what I can, I choose
those pantang larang that I believe in, and that’s that. It helped that both my
mother and my late mother in law are very lenient when it comes to this as
well, although this time around I was mostly on my own.
I just don’t get it when people start to condemn others who
choose not to observe pantang strictly. You don’t want to go out even an inch
from the comfort of your house? Then do it your way. I choose to go out for coffee once in a
while for my sanity and it helps me be a better, happier mom. We can all do it our way and celebrate our differences. She silang kaki,
the other she terbaring lurus. She masak every day for her family’s sake, the
other she just lepak watch TV. She carries her older kids, the other she wouldn’t
even lift a plate. She basuh her hair, the other she just use dry shampoo. She minum
lotsa water for hydration and milk supply, the other she limits her water
intake to avoid bloating. As long as your way does not give negative impact to
you or your baby, YOU DO YOU.
This I wrote after reading some comments on one celebrity’s
social media account. Poor lady couldn’t be left alone, every single thing she
does after giving birth was scrutinized. Why silang kaki? Why go out so soon?
Why isn’t the baby clothed? Isn’t it too soon for sauna? Is the aircond on? Why are you putting on
make-up? Good God, some people can be so penyibuk, I tell you. Do you not have your own
family to care for?
I may not observe my pantang strictly to get a distinction
but alhamdulillah, I am feeling healthy, I have lost all the weight I gained
during pregnancy and I hope to lose more after I resume my cycling, and most
importantly, I am feeling good.
So mommies who just gave birth, choose what is good for you, drink lots of
water, eat good pantang food and fruits, get a good masseuse, let the Klinik Kesihatan nurses come over and do their work, and spend your free vacation time to
enjoy your baby and your kids; YOU DO YOU, okay? Have fun berpantang!
36 year old mother of four, 48 days postpartum.
Feeling awesome, alhamdulillah.